Sermons Services Directions MINISTRIES
Music and Praise

Raising Our Voices To The King

Do you love music? Then Three Crosses has a place for you! Nothing can compare to the joyful sounds of song and praise that move people to a more spiritual walk with the Lord. The ministry of music is more than just words and sounds, it is an invitation for singers, musicians, and the congregation to all worship God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. That is what the experience is about, and we invite all to join this experience regardless of the experience level in vocal music.

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. ” Colossians 3:16

Contemporary Band

Do you play an instrument? The Three Crosses band is always looking for new talent to help out. Our contemporary band leads the congregation each Sunday during our Contemporary Service at 8:30am. We are open to introducing new talent and new instruments in addition to our current lineup of drums, piano, Hammond organ, bass, acoustic guitar, synthesizer and electric guitar. If you play any of these instruments, or perhaps play a different instrument, we’d love to talk with you.

The Contemporary band, along with the Praise Team, meet each Thursday at 5:30 pm to rehearse for the upcoming Sunday service. We also meet Sunday mornings at 7:30 am for one final rehearsal before the service at 8:30am.  Please contact the Church Office if you'd like to be in touch with our Music Director.

Chancel Choir

Our Chancel Choir performs at our Traditional Service at 10:30am on Sundays. The Chancel Choir, through traditional hymns, choral arrangements, and congregational-led hymns, bring an uplifting and comforting sound of praise and worship to the service. The Chancel Choir presents seasonal Anthems during special Sundays, and especially during Christmas and Easter. This group of dedicated singers is open to everyone without audition. 

Praise Leaders

During our Contemporary service at 8:30am on Sundays, our praise leaders help lead the congregation in a mix of contemporary music and classic hymns in contemporary style. Scott Gibbs and the Three Crosses live band provide the instrumental music during the service, but our praise leaders play the important role of leading and engaging the congregation. We provide a rotating schedule of two or three praise leaders per Sunday so that each singer will only have to lead once a month.

Every Thursday night during the week we practice for the upcoming Sunday and also practice once more Sunday Morning before morning worship. So if not knowing the songs is holding you back, no worries, there are plenty of opportunities to practice. And we are happy to work with you on certain parts if you request!

Music Activities For Children

Music is integrated into all areas of Children’s Ministry. Music ministry is actually tied into both Sunday School and our Wednesday Night Programs. Our music director, along with adult volunteers, work with the children on singing and hand bells. The children learn various worship songs that are performed on Children’s Sunday and other special services throughout the year. 

Special Music

We are always looking for talented people to present special music through voice or instrument on Sundays. It is encouraging and uplifting to see a Christian share their gifts with the church, and most importantly, it brings praise and glory to God. If you would like to present a special piece of music during one of our worship services, please let us know. If you are a vocalist and need accompanying music by either our organist or contemporary band, we would be glad to work with you.

Bell Choir

Our bell choir performs during special services throughout the year, especially during the holidays.  Due to musical arrangements, this group is limited to a certain size and is currently full, but they are always looking for subs.  So if you are interested in joining, please contact the church office and our director will be notified.