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Faith Is Action

We are all called to do ministry and even minister, but in all kinds of different ways so that the gospel can be proclaimed, the kingdom can be built, and God can be glorified. The important distinction between what kind of ministry we do is not who we are, what job we do, or even what abilities we have — it is the calling of God.

God is the only hero in our story, the gospel is the only idea that is profound, and how He calls us, equips us, and chooses to use us in His ministry is one of His many acts of grace upon us and the world.  Therefore, ministry is what we do for God’s glory based on where He has placed us, how He has gifted us, and what He has called us to do according to His infinite wisdom and for the proclamation of the gospel.

Learn More About the Ministries of Benton First UMC

At Three Crosses Church, the ministries and mission of Jesus Christ are accomplished in so many unique ways and by so many different people, regardless of age, race, status, or wealth.  Because of this, the Ministries page does not belong under any specific age group on the website.  You can reach our Ministries Page at the link below or click on the link at the top of the page.

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